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  • 祝! 奄美大島、徳之島、沖縄島北部および西表島世界自然遺産登録!「昆虫と自然 2021年9月号」特集:奄美・琉球の里地棲希少水生昆虫類の保全 

祝! 奄美大島、徳之島、沖縄島北部および西表島世界自然遺産登録!「昆虫と自然 2021年9月号」特集:奄美・琉球の里地棲希少水生昆虫類の保全 

「昆虫と自然 2021年9月号」 特集 奄美・琉球の里地棲希少水生昆虫類の保全

祝 世界自然遺産登録

特 集・奄美・琉球の里地棲希少水生昆虫類の保全
Conservation of the endangered aquatic insects living in Satochi (Rural Settlements) in the Ryukyu Archipelago Japan

荒谷 邦雄(九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究院)




特 集・奄美・琉球の里地棲希少水生昆虫類の保全
Conservation of the endangered aquatic insects living in Satochi (Rural Settlements) in the Ryukyu Archipelago Japan

荒谷 邦雄
General remarks: The issue for the conservation of the endangered aquatic insects living in Satochi (Rural Settlements) in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
Kunio Araya

荒谷 邦雄
Use of genetic information for conservation of endangered aquatic insects in the Ryukyu Archipelago
Kunio Araya

苅部 治紀
Challenge to conservation of the rare aquatic insects of the Satochi (Rural Settlements) of Amami, Ryukyu, and their current situation
Haruki Karube

北野 忠
Current status and issues of ex situ preservation of endangered aquatic insects
Tadashi Kitano

富永 篤・中村 泰之
Negative impact of exotic amphibians on aquatic insects in the Ryukyu Archipelago and their countermeasures
Atsushi Tominaga, Yasuyuki Nakamura

冨坂 峰人・城野 裕介
Development of technologies on biotope conservation and restoration closely related to the regional characteristics of Ryukyu-Amami Islands, Japan
Mineto Tomisaka, Yusuke Shirono

井村 有希
Contribution to the knowledge of carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from China (28): Male genitalic features of two Coptolabrus species from Southwest Hubei
Yûki Imura

●遺稿●マガタマハンミョウの生態, 特に生活環について(3)
松本 行史
The ecology and life cycle of the tiger beetle (3) Apterodela ovipennis
Yukifumi Matsumoto

神吉 正雄
About big occurrence of Calosoma maximowiczi which got up in 2020 and ecology (5)
Masao Kamiyoshi

●INSECTS REPORTS●画像解析技術を用いた養蜂支援
長谷川 まどか・髙山 翼・佐々 拓斗
Image analysis for parasite detection and honeybee monitoring
Madoka Hasegawa, Tsubasa Takayama, Takuto Sassa

●INSECTS REPORTS●ネオニコチノイド系殺虫剤により引き起こされる生態系影響および毒性の実態に迫る
関島 恒夫
Ecological impacts caused by neonicotinoid insecticides and their toxicity
Tsuneo Sekijima

●INSECTS REPORTS●2段階の味覚認証によるカイコの宿主選択機構
常藤 加菜・佐藤 令一・遠藤 悠
The host selection system of silkworm larvae by two-step gustatory authentication
Kana Tsuneto, Ryoichi Sato, Haruka Endo

●INSECTS REPORTS●千曲川中流域において羽化トラップを用いて捕獲される水生昆虫類
平林 公男
Collection of aquatic insects by emergence trap in the middle reaches of the Chikuma River
Kimio Hirabayashi
